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Repairing loose pages in your Bible

October 31, 2020 3 min read

Repairing loose pages in your Bible

Repairing loose pages in your Bible

Repairing old bible's loose pages

Bibles are known for getting used, probably more use than any other book. As we see customers from time to time come and request a custom bible cover, sometimes we get asked the question on if we can repair an older bible that is falling apart or just has some loose pages. To answer your question, we typically do not repair books but here are some useful tips if you decided to do a DYI fix.  

Repairing your bible can be pretty easy. There are a couple options for you. You can use a binding glue that is specifically for repairing books and bibles or some binding tapes are available too. The right application to use just really depends on the type of wear or damage you are trying to repair. 

Binding Glue

Binding glue is great for reattaching pages that may have come loose over the years or to repair and bond the pages “text block” back to the actual cover spine of the bible. Sometimes you will notice that pages may be fine but there might be a large gap that may need some repair. 

Binding Tape

Binding tape is generally used for reattaching a bible’s cover that has come loose or falling apart. 

Tips on attaching a Bible’s loose pages

Step 1. 

Get some good quality acid free book/bible binding glue online or from a craft store such as Micheal's or Hobby lobby. It’s very important to make sure the glue is acid free. If you do not purchase acid free glue, you can actually do damage to your existing bible's spine as it could disintegrate the current glue that is holding the spine to the text block. 

Step 2. 

Check over your bible pages you want to repair. Remove any loose pages in your bible and make sure you put them in order so they are not mixed up when repairing. Just set them aside to avoid getting glue on the to soon or by accident. 

Step 3. 

Apply a very thin layer of glue to the bible’'s inner spine on where the page or pages need to be reattached. Make sure when opening the glue bottle, if the bottle requires the tip to be cut, cut a very small part of the tip to control the smallest amount of flow. Be careful not to use too much glue. Honestly the less the better. Then use a small application brush or toothpick to spread the glue as needed. 

Step 4. 

Make sure the pages to be glued are in order. Place the pages back into the bible to be bonded. Align the pages from top to bottom making sure they are placed flush with the other pages. Make sure the page or pages are aligned to the book's spine as tight as possible. 

Step 5. 

Carefully close the bible, making sure none of the pages moved. Place another book or bible on top of the repaired bible to help the repair by applying some extra pressure. Like with any glue, give it some time to dry. In general glues typically take about 24 hours to fully cure but you also refer to the glues instructions on the bottle as well. 

Of course, if you have question feel free to contact us anytime!