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Finding the Right Bible Cover

May 17, 2021 5 min read

Finding the Right Bible Cover

Can attending Church save your life?

A study of over 5,000 participants, showed that going to church could be a real lifesaver. Individuals who attended at least one service in the last year were twice as less likely to die than non-churchgoers.  

It's never made more sense to spend time reading God's word. Whether you want to have a solo session or fellowship with other believers, all you need is a Bible. 

However, to keep your Bibles safe out there, you'll need a cover you can trust. 

Read on to learn the top Bible cover buying tips.

Wise Bible Cover Features

There are a few different features you should consider when you're looking at Bible covers. For instance, how durable do you want your Bible cover to be? 

Are you looking for a cover that can last you year after year, without losing its visual appeal? If so, then you'll need a sturdy material such as leather. 

About 35% of Americans read scripture every week. Whether you're off daily, weekly, or monthly reader, the leather-covered can benefit from the oils in your hand. You'll be naturally conditioning the cover to be even more supple than before.

Genuine Leather vs Imitation Leather Bible

If you're working with the budget there are imitation leather Bible covers on the market. However, keep in mind that by paying less for imitation leather, you'll wind up needing to replace cheap bible covers sooner than later. Instead, you can save yourself a bit of money by investing in a quality genuine leather cover from the start. 

Types of Leather Covers

There are a variety of leather Bible cover options for you to choose from. You'll find that there are 4 popular leather styles on the market today. Genuine leather, bonded leather, top-grain leather, and natural leather are all durable cover materials. 

It's common to find high-end leather covers such as genuine, that comes with a lifetime guarantee. The difference between genuine leather and top grain leather is the method used for styling the cover. 

Top grain leather isn't polished or altered in any way to remove imperfections. The result is a rustic, timeless-looking Bible cover, that's as sturdy as a tree trunk. Whereas, genuine leather has a sleek classic appeal. 

Next, there are also natural leather covers that offer a softer option. The soft natural leather ages well if properly taken care of and has a rustic appearance similar to the top grain options. Lastly, both caps can and goatskin are also durable options. 

Calfskin leather is going to be softer than goatskin. However, goatskin is going to be able to last longer than calfskin can. 

Now that you know a little bit more about the different types of leather cover options available, let's start exploring the other features you should consider. For instance, what size should your cover be?

Finding the Perfect Fit

After deciding what type of leather you want your cover to have, the next step is to figure out how big you want the cover to be. To ensure that you get a perfect size, go ahead and measure your Bible today. 

 You can begin to narrow down your cover search by looking in the appropriate size field. Next, consider whether or not you want your cover to house additional items, such as a notebook or pen. If you're planning on getting a cover with multiple features, you might need to get one that's slightly larger than the exact size of your bible.

 If at any time you're concerned that you won't order the right Bible cover size, simply reach out for help. The cover of your Bible is something that should be chosen very carefully.

 A wisely chosen cover will help extend the life of your Bible year after year. However, if you get the wrong cover size, or use a poor material, your Bible will wear out well before it's time. Instead of stressing yourself out when you're confused about what type of cover to get, let a professional team member point you in the right direction by reaching out to us.

Cover Styles

So far, we've been talking about the different materials and sizes to look at when you're buying Bible covers. However, you also have to keep in mind the style you want your cover to have. For instance, are you interested in a saddleback cover style? 

Saddleback covers look a lot like traditional book covers. Using one strong case, the saddleback offers all-around protection. As a bonus, saddleback designs have a neutral appeal, so they can look both professional and casual at the same time. 

Next, there are Bible covers that zip up. Covers that zip up have a special, almost nostalgic appeal.

 There's something about hearing the sound of the zipper opening or closing, that reminds you about how good it feels to read God's word. The only downside to zipper covers is that sometimes the zippers can break, exposing the Bible to the outside elements. If you don't want to have to worry about zippers breaking, there are always briefcase-style covers. 

Appearing like a traditional briefcase, these leather covers are great for larger Bibles. Briefcase styles can be especially helpful if you're somebody who travels a lot and can benefit from the handle feature.

Words of Inspiration

Last but not least, you'll need to think about whether or not you want your cover to display words. Leather Bible covers, that display an inspiring message offers an enriching touch. However, don't feel pressured to get a cover that has a message on it. Instead, you need to go with the decision that resonates with your personality. 

If you're having trouble finding a cover with the perfect message, move forward with a customized option. Think of a verse saying, or even a single word that speaks to your heart. God speaks to us all uniquely, and your cover can be a representation of how God speaks to you.

Find a Cover You Can Cherish

Whatever you choose, you'll be able to get quality without compromise when you use a leather material. Since you'll need to know the size of your Bible before you can choose the perfect cover, go ahead and get a measurement today. Once you know the exact size of your bible, you can begin exploring our leather Bible cover collection.

 As you explore our different range of leather covers, remember to look for one that speaks to your heart. After all, your Bible is something you're going to carry with you and cherish year after year.